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Welcome to the dWeb Directory
Before you can Surf the Decentralized Web, you must get setup for it by following these Steps Here. If you are using Chrome and already have the extension then you are good to go!
For now, this dWeb Directory is on the "Legacy Web" (the Centralized Web you are used to). We know its slightly cheating but the database is more accessible. However all dWebsites listed in this Directory are on the dWeb.
Before you can Surf the Decentralized Web, you must get setup for it by following these Steps Here. If you are using Chrome and already have the extension then you are good to go!
For now, this dWeb Directory is on the "Legacy Web" (the Centralized Web you are used to). We know its slightly cheating but the database is more accessible. However all dWebsites listed in this Directory are on the dWeb.
REFERRAL CODE: SM3DSQ52A5 Exchange & All-inclusive App Has 2 Referral Programs
One for the Exchange and one for the App
You can use both and stack your bonuses!
(New user, person using the code)
paid out by
(Existing user, person supplying the code)
Programs combined as described below.
Referral Program
This program pays out according to the amount of CRO staked on the exchange by the Referee.
The referee needs to stake 5000 CRO on the exchange for to pay out $100 USD: $50 goes to the referee and $50 to the referrer. The referrer gets anywhere from $10 to $2000 depending on how much is staked by the referee*. The referrer also gets 50% of the referees trading fees for 12 months.
NOTE: the referee can only get a maximum of $50 for the exchange referral program regardless of the amount of CRO staked. Don't let SCAMMERS fool you! Here you can find a full breakdown of the Exchange Referral Program.
App Referral Program
This program pays out one set amount: $50 USD. referral codes pay out $50 for the app referral program: $25 to the Referee and $25 to the Referrer ($50 total). All Referral Codes pay out this amount! Referee must reserve any Composite Metal Visa Card for to pay the Bonus.
Find a full breakdown of the App Referral Program Here.
*Technically, will pay out $2,250 if the referee stakes 5M CRO on the exchange!
($2100 to Referrer + $150 to Referee)
Did our Referral Code SM3DSQ52A5 work as described? Let us know!
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