has 2 great Referral Programs and unfortunately some people are abusing the the system by lying to others for their own financial gain. First, let's be very clear as to how both Referral Programs really works.
When someone uses a Valid Referral Code for the app (iOS & Android), will pay out $50 USD: $25 of that goes to the person using the Referral Code and the other $25 goes to the person supplying that Referral Code. It is that simple. When used for the app, all the Referral Codes posted all over the internet fall under this program REGARDLESS of what the person says who is providing the code.
When someone uses a Valid Referral Code for the online exchange, will pay out according to how much CRO the new user stakes on the exchange for the first time. The maximum bonus the new user can get is $50. And in order to get this amount the new user needs to stake 5,000 CRO. A scammer will be motivated to get a new user to stake more because the scammer can get a bigger bonus the more CRO staked by the new user. For instance, if the new user stakes 5,000,000 CRO then the person supplying the code will get a bonus of $2,000. But the biggest bonus the new user can get is $50 REGARDLESS of the amount of CRO staked.
We have seen Referral Codes posted on the internet that promise all kinds of absurd amounts to the user of the code. Would not be surprised if we saw a Referral Code on the internet promising $1,000 to the user! Oh, how about this one. There is a person on a popular discussion board who is promoting his Referral Code for the app as "Buy $50, Get $50." What does that even mean?! That does not even make sense. Buy what? lol. That one does make us laugh a little. We hope you were able to read this before using a Scam Referral Code.
Of course you don't have to use our Referral Code: SM3DSQ52A5. But if you do, Thank You! If you choose to use someone else's Referral Code then we ask you please don't use a code from someone who is lying. We should not support that type of behavior. Better yet, maybe you have a friend or family that has a Referral Code to give you. I am sure they would appreciate the extra money.
Are you interested in the Binance Exchange? Read our article Here to find out how to see the value of a Referral Code BEFORE you sign up. Scammers are out to get us. Let's stop them!
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